[1]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Hanwen Cao, Zhengtao Xiang, Bo Chen, Yingkui Ma, Yu Zhang. Vehicle lane-change intention recognition based on BiLSTM Attention model for the Internet of vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2024, online. (SCI)
[2]Yu-Feng Chen(陈宇峰),Zhang Dong, Kai Che, Zheng-Tao Xiang. Cellularautomaton modelconsidering the effect of brake light and traffic light at the intersection. International Journal of Communication Systems.2022, 35(12): e4521. (SCI)
[3]Yu-Feng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhan Gao, Hong Zhou, Yan Wang, Tao Zhang, Kai Che, Zheng-Tao Xiang. Traffic flow guidance algorithm in intelligent transportation systems considering the effect of non-floating vehicle. Soft Computing. 2019, 23(19):9097-9110. (SCI)
[4]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu. Multi-fractal characteristics of mobile node’s traffic in wireless mesh network with AODV andDSDV routing protocols. Wireless Personal Communications.2011,58(4):741-757. (SCI)
[5]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu, Yunhe Pan, Honglan Lao. Wormtraffic modeling for network performance analysis.IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2006,3975: 578-583. (SCI)
[6]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu, Yunhe Pan. The multi-fractal nature of worm and normal traffic at individual source level.IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science.2005, 3495: 505-510. (SCI)
[7]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu, Zhengtao Xiang. Research ofcharacteristics ofwormtraffic. Intelligence and Security Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2004,3073:518-519. (SCI)
[8]Chen Bo, Tong Rui, Gao Xiue, Chen, Yufeng(陈宇峰). A novel dynamic decision-making method: Addressing the complexity of attribute weight and time weight. Journal of Computational Science. 2024, 77: 102228. (SCI)
[9]Chen Bo, Jiang Panling, Xiang Zhengtao, Gao Xiue, Chen, Yufeng(陈宇峰). Novel approach to edge importance ranking: balancing network structure and transmission performance. IEEE Systems Journal. 2024, 18(1): 403-414. (SCI)
[10]Chen Bo, Pang Guimei, Xiang Zhengtao, Tao Hang, Chen, Yufeng(陈宇峰). Load allocation strategy for command and control networks based on interdependence strength. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2023, 17(9): 2419-2435. (SCI)
[11]Bo Chen, Hang Tao, Xuehuan Jiang, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Xiue Gao. Dynamichypernetwork-based evolutionary model of command-and-control network. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory. 2023, 126: 102759. (SCI)
[12]Bo Liu, Li Feng, Qinglin Zhao, Guanghui Li, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰). Improving the accuracy of lane detection by enhancing the long-range dependence. Electronics. 2023, 12(11): 2518. (SCI)
[13]Bo Chen, Hang Tao, Xuehuan Jiang, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Xiue Gao, Panling Jiang, Rui Tong. Acommand-and-control hypernetwork modeling approach based on hierarchy-betweenness edge-linking strategy. Journal of Supercomputing. 2023, 79(5): 5705-5729. (SCI)
[14]Zelin Zhang, Jun Wu, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Ji Wang, Jinyu Xu. Distinguish between stochastic and chaotic signals by a local structure-based entropy. Entropy. 2022, 24(12): 1752. (SCI)
[15]Xiue Gao, Bo Chen, Panling Jiang, Zhengtao Xiang, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yunming Wang. Hierarchy-entropy based method for command and control networks reconfiguration. Journal of Supercomputing. 2022, 78(13): 15229-15249. (SCI)
[16]Jinliang Zhang, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yun Gao, Zhihu Wang, Guosheng Peng.Cascade ADRCspeed control base on fcs-mpc for permanent magnet synchronous motor. Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers. 2021, 30(11): 2150202. (SCI)
[17]Xiue Gao, Panling Jiang, Wenxue Xie,Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Shengbin Zhou, Bo Chen. Decisionfusion method for fault diagnosis based on closeness and dempster-shafer theory. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems. 2021, 40(6): 12185-12194. (SCI)
[18]Zhang Zelin,Zhang Mingbo, Chen Yufeng(陈宇峰), XiangZhengtao, Xu Jinyu, Zhou Xiao. Distinguishing chaotic from stochastic dynamics via the complexity of ordinal patterns. AIP ADVANCES. 2021, 11(4): 045122. (SCI)
[19]Zhang Zelin, Xiang Zhengtao,Chen Yufeng(陈宇峰), Xu Jinyu. Fuzzy permutation entropy derived from a novel distance between segments of time series. AIMS MATHEMATICS. 2020, 5(6): 6244-6260. (SCI)
[20]Zheng-Tao Xiang, Zhan Gao, Tao Zhang, Kai Che, Yu-Feng Chen(陈宇峰)*. An improved two-lane cellular automaton traffic model based on BLST-CA model considering the dynamic lane-changing probability. Soft Computing. 2019, 23(19):9397-9412. (SCI)
[21]Zhengtao Xiang,Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰)*, Yujin Li,Li Xiong. Predictability of aggregated traffic of gateways in wireless mesh network with AODV and DSDV routing protocols and RWP mobility model. Wireless Personal Communications. 2014, 79(2): 891-906. (SCI)
[22]向郑涛, 陈宇峰*, 李昱瑾, 熊励. 基于多尺度熵的交通流复杂性分析. 物理学报.2014, 63(3): 038903. (SCI)
[23]Zhengtao Xiang,Yujin Li,Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰),Li Xiong. Simulating synchronized traffic flow and wide moving jam based on the brake light rule.Physica A. 2013,392(21): 5399-5413. (SCI)
[24]Xiang Zhengtao, Chen Yufeng(陈宇峰), Dong Yabo, Lao Honglan.Analysis ofabnormalities ofwormtraffic forobtainingwormdetectionvectors. IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2006,3975:584-589. (SCI)
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[26]陈宇峰, 向郑涛, 闫蓬, 董亚波, 夏明. 浓雾环境下车车通信对交通事故的影响分析. 交通运输系统工程与信息.2016,16(4): 109-116. (EI)
[27]陈宇峰,董亚波, 鲁东明, 潘云鹤. 面向大规模网络的聚集TCP流量模拟方法研究. 通信学报. 2006, 27(2): 100-106. (EI)
[28]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Rui Tong, Xiue Gao, Hang Tao, Bo Chen.Designof remote monitoring system for greenhouse environment.Proc. of 11th International Workshop of Advanced Manufacturing and Automation (IWAMA). 2022, p515-522. (EI)
[29]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang. Effects ofincomplete information on traffic guidance in intelligent transportation systems.Proc. of 4th International Conference on Sensors, Measurement and Intelligent Materials (ICSMIM 2015).2015, p51-54. (CPCI-S)
[30]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Juan Bao, Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian. Predictability analysis of lithium-ion battery remaining useful life with multiscale entropy. Proc. of International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences. 2013, p1052-1055. (EI)
[31]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian, Weirong Jiang.The effects of advanced information feedback strategies in FI model. Proc. ofInternational Conference on Multimedia Technology.2011, p4186-4189. (EI)
[32]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian,Weirong Jiang.An adaptive cross-layer multi-path routing protocol for urban VANET.Proc. ofIEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (iCal 2010).2010, p603-608. (EI)
[33]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian, Weirong Jiang.Implementingad hoc on-demand multipath distance vector routing protocol in linux.Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE2010).2010, p4562-4565. (EI)
[34]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian, Weirong Jiang.An improved AOMDV routing protocol for V2V communication.Proc. ofIEEEIntelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV'09).2009, p1115-1120. (EI)
[35]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian, Weirong Jiang.Design and implementation of multi-source vehicular information monitoring system in real time.Proc. of IEEE International Conference onAutomation and Logistics(iCal 2009). 2009, p1771-1775. (EI)
[36]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰),Zhengtao Xiang, Wei Jian,Weirong Jiang.A cross-layer AOMDV routing protocol for V2V communication in urban VANET.Proc. ofFifth International Conference onMobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN 2009).2009, p353-359. (EI)
[37]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yabo Dong, Zhengtao Xiang, Dongming Lu.A hybrid simulating framework of tcp traffic at aggregated level. Proc. ofThird International Conference onCommunications and Networking in China(Chinacom).2008, p327-332. (EI)
[38]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰),Yabo Dong, Zhengtao Xiang, Dongming Lu.Cooperation system of worm detection and quarantine in real time.Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics(iCAL).2008, p1022-1026. (EI)
[39]Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Yabo Dong, Dongming Lu, Yunhe Pan, Zhengtao Xiang. Detecting randomly scanning worms based on heavy-tailed property. Proc. of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control. 2005, p354-358. (EI)
[40]Bo Chen, Rui Tong, Yufeng Chen(陈宇峰), Panling Jiang, Xiue Gao, Hang Tao. Anetwork key node identification method based on improved multiattribute fusion. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2023, 2023: 4386621.(EI)
[41]陈宇峰,向郑涛,董亚波,夏明.车联网建模和统计性质分析及其路由策略综述.计算机应用.2015, 35(12): 3321-3324, 3330. (核心)
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[46]高瞻,余辰,向郑涛,陈宇峰*. 基于网格化的出租车空载寻客路径推荐. 计算机应用与软件.2019, 36(5): 281-288. (核心)
[47]车凯,向郑涛,陈宇峰,吕坚,周云. 基于改进Fast R-CNN的红外图像行人检测研究. 红外技术.2018, 40(6): 578-584. (核心)
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[49]向郑涛, 陈宇峰, 董亚波, 鲁东明. 蠕虫检测技术研究进展.计算机工程与设计.2009,30(5): 1060-1064. (核心)
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[51]向郑涛, 陈宇峰, 潘正清, 陈利. 基于有线电视网和IP网的视频会议系统设计及实现.电视技术.2005,10:86-89. (核心)
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